
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2023

Bilingualism: A short introduction

Blog by Yesmi Donado Pacheco (33) Step 2: Recording - Colombian Education - YouTube Introduction to the topic:  In the book "Bilingualism: A short introduction", author Grosjean analyzes several implications that bilingualism can have on certain aspects of a person's life, including their ability to communicate, their cognition changes, their worldview and culture changes when surrounded by two societies. This is why creating a more tolerant society towards diverse cultures could have an impact on the lives of those called bilingual or bicultural. Objective: The blog will focus on providing information about what bilingualism and biculturalism are, their differences, and creating awareness in society about the importance of valuing cultural diversity. Differences between being bilingual and bicultural: Being bilingual implies speaking and using two or more languages in everyday life, while being bicultural implies living in two or more cultures and adapting to them. Bilin...