Bilingualism: A short introduction
Blog by Yesmi Donado Pacheco
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Introduction to the topic: In the book "Bilingualism: A short introduction", author Grosjean analyzes several implications that bilingualism can have on certain aspects of a person's life, including their ability to communicate, their cognition changes, their worldview and culture changes when surrounded by two societies. This is why creating a more tolerant society towards diverse cultures could have an impact on the lives of those called bilingual or bicultural.
Differences between being bilingual and bicultural:
- Being bilingual implies speaking and using two or more languages in everyday life, while being bicultural implies living in two or more cultures and adapting to them.
- Bilinguals can use their languages for different purposes and in different areas of life, while biculturals combine and mix aspects of the cultures that make up their identity.
- Bilingualism has implications for cognition and communication, while biculturality can also have an impact on identity and emotional well-being.
- Bilinguals may have learned their languages from childhood or later in life, while biculturals have grown up and lived in different cultures.
Examples of being bilingual, bicultural, and both bilingual and bicultural:
- There is a possibility for an immigrant to learn a second language and adapt to the culture, making that person bilingual and bicultural.
- A person who learns a language only for work communication purposes, but is not interested in the culture of the other.
Bilingualism and biculturalism are two distinct concepts that are often confused. Being bilingual refers to the ability to speak and use two or more languages, while being bicultural involves living in and adapting to two or more cultures.
While bilingualism has implications for cognition and communication, biculturality can have a broader impact on identity and emotional well-being.
Creating a more tolerant society towards diverse cultures can have a positive impact on the lives of bilingual and bicultural individuals, highlighting the importance of valuing cultural diversity and promoting greater understanding and acceptance of different ways of life.
Grosjean, F. (2013). Bilingualism: A short introduction. In Grosjean, F. & Li, P. (2013), pp. 5-25.
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